Abdominal pains and cramp |
Aching jaw |
Aching joints |
aching muscles, |
hyper excited state, |
Aggressive behaviour |
Agitated sight |
Agitation |
Agoraphobia |
Allergic reactions |
Allergic reactions to foods previously tolerated, |
Allergy & nasal symptoms exacerbated, |
Anger, |
Anxiety |
Apathy |
Appetite - either loss of, or voracious appetite with constant desire to
eat, |
Arms and legs feel detached from body, |
Ataxia - can't coordinate muscle movement, |
Back pain, |
band around head, |
Bladder incontinence |
Bladder irritation - feeling of having an infection or cystitis, |
Bleeding between menstrual cycles |
Bleeding from the nose |
Blepharospasm - eye twitches, |
Bloated stomach, distended abdomen, (benzo belly), |
diarrhea, constipation, |
Blood pressure
fluctuations, |
Blurred vision |
Blurred vision, seeing spots, flashes, vivid vision |
Body feels like jelly |
Body odour - stinking sweat, |
Body temperature fluctuations, |
Body temperature reading higher or lower than 98.6, |
Brachycardia - slow heartbeat/pulse, |
Brain moving within the skull |
Breasts - heavy, over-sensitive, swollen, enlarged, painful, |
Breathing difficulties |
Breathlessness, |
Bruxism (teeth grinding) |
Buildings appear to be leaning |
Burning along the spine |
Burning sensation around the mouth |
Buzzing, burning, tingling limbs, |
Changes in perception (faces distorting and inanimate objects moving) |
Changes in skin colour, tone, texture, |
Chemical sensitivities |
Chest tightness, |
Chills - (can feel like the heebie-jeebies you get when viewing a scary
movie), |
Choking |
Claustrophobia, |
Clumsiness |
Cognitive impairment, |
Confusion, |
Constipation |
Cracked and sore lips |
cramping in stomach, |
Craving for sweets and sugary foods, |
Crying jags, |
Cuts and abrasions take weeks to heal |
Dark circles under the eyes, |
Decaying teeth and gums, |
Dehydration, |
Delirium |
Demented and murderous thoughts |
Dental pain, |
Depersonalisation (a feeling of not knowing who you are) |
Depression |
Derealization |
Diarrhea, |
Difficulty in writing slowly |
Difficulty swallowing |
Difficulty writing or holding a fork, due to muscle weakness, |
difficulty writing, |
Discharge from the breasts |
Disorientation |
Distended abdomen |
Distortions or hallucinations |
Dizziness - in general, or a feeling like you are falling off the
couch/chair/bed, |
Double vision |
Dry mouth |
Dry throat, sore tongue, and thrush |
Dry, itchy skin |
Dry, tickly cough |
Dyspepsia (indigestion) |
Dysphagia (difficulty eating or swallowing) |
Dysphoria (inability to feel pleasure or happiness) |
Dyspnea (breathing difficulty) |
Earache |
earache, and sinus problems, |
Electric shock feelings |
Emotional blunting - can't receive or give, |
Encopressia (faecal incontinence) |
Oesophageal spasms, |
Excitability |
Exercise - exacerbating all benzo symptoms, |
Exhaustion, |
extreme cold, |
Extreme lethargy |
Extreme thirst |
Extremely disturbed |
Extremely nervous and jumpy |
Eyes - sore, tired, seeing floaters, spots, itchy, |
Falling hair |
Fatigue, leaden heaviness |
Fear |
Fear of being a burden or unlovable, |
Fear of being alone |
Fear of dying, |
fear of insanity, |
Fear of losing control |
Fear of never recovering, |
Fear of water |
Faeces - appears abnormal looking, |
Feeling bloated |
Feeling like the ground is moving beneath you, as if on a cruise ship or
boat, |
Feeling of extreme cold |
Feeling of impending doom |
Feeling of vulnerability |
Feelings of shaking inside and out |
Feelings of shame, despite realizing this was all accidental and not your
fault, |
Feelings of the spirit being out of synchronization with the body, |
Feelings of unreality |
feelings of worms under scalp |
Female ejaculation or incontinence during orgasm, |
Fingernail problems - median nail dystrophy (line/ridge down the centre) |
Flashbacks |
Fluctuations in blood pressure |
Flu-like symptoms |
Flushing, |
Formication (sensations of bugs crawling on skin) |
Fuzzy feeling in head, |
Gait disturbance - hard to walk straight, |
Gastritis |
Glassy eyes |
Goosebumps - very visible to the eye, |
Grinding teeth |
Hemorrhoids |
Hair - loss, thinning, dullness, |
Hallucinations (auditory and visual) |
Headaches - mild or severe, |
Heart palpitations, pounding or racing heart, |
Heartburn |
heavy arms, legs and head, |
Heavy pounding heart |
Holding onto the walls in the shower, |
Hostility |
Hot flashes, |
Hurts to wear clothes, a car seatbelt, |
Hyper sensitive (unable to watch the news, see films, read the newspaper), |
Hyperactivity |
Hyperacusis - profound hearing sensitivity, hurts to talk on the phone,
music, etc., |
Hyperosmia (sensitive sense of smell), |
Hyperreflexia (‘jumpiness’) |
Hypersensitivity to being touched, |
Hypersensitivity to light, sound, and other stimuli |
Hypersensitivity to stress, |
Hyperventilation (over
breathing) |
Hypnologic (hallucinations, sleepwalking), |
Hysterical and inappropriate laughter |
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, |
Impacted bowels, |
Impairment of motor coordination, |
Impotence |
inability to comprehend the simplest things, |
Inability to concentrate, |
inability to cope with a lot of information |
Inability to draw a satisfying breath, |
Inability to make a decision, |
inability to read or write, |
Incontinence, frequent or urgent need to urinate, unable to hold or pass
urine, |
Increased saliva |
Indigestion |
Insomnia |
Intense fuzzy feeling in the head |
Intense jaw pain |
Intrusive thoughts, |
Iris in eyes changes colour |
Irrational rage |
Irritability |
Jaundice, |
Jaw, tooth, neck and shoulder aches and pains, |
Jaws clamped together |
Jerks in arms, legs fingers. |
Joint aches and pains, |
Joylessness, |
Jumpiness, |
Jumping toe, |
Lack of concentration |
Lack of co-ordination |
Left/Right-sided symptoms, |
Legs arms and head very heavy |
Leukonychia (whitening of nails) |
Libidinal changes - variances in sex drive, |
Loss of balance |
Loss of concentration |
Loss of confidence, |
Loss of control of movement, |
Loss of interest in people and/or things, |
Loss of memory |
Loss of self respect |
Loss of taste or metallic taste |
Loss or changes in appetite |
Lung pain, |
Memory problems - short term, |
Menstrual problems (painful periods, irregular periods, cessation of
periods) |
Mild hypertension |
Mood swings, |
Morbid thoughts |
Mouth and tongue soreness, |
Muscle spasms |
Muscle tone, wastage, |
Muscle wastage |
Muscle weakness, |
Muscles locking and rigidity, |
Muscular aches, pains, cramps, spasms, |
muscular rigidity, |
nausea, flu like symptoms, |
Nervous ticks or twitches, |
Nervousness |
Neuralgia |
Neurological problems - topical nerve anaesthesia, |
apnea |
Night sweats, |
Nightmares |
Nose bleeds, |
Numbness - around the face, mouth or any other part of the body, |
Numbness, pain, |
Obsessions |
Obsessive behaviour, |
Oedema - especially face or ankles, |
Oesophagitis |
Orgasm changes - big setbacks after orgasms, |
Outbursts of rage or aggression |
Over breathing |
Painful scalp |
pains in neck and shoulders, |
Pains in temple, |
Pains in the chest |
Pains in the lungs |
Pains in the neck |
Panic attacks |
Paraesthesia (numbness, tingling) |
Paranoia |
Passing gas continually, |
Penis and testicle sensitivity, |
Persistent, unpleasant memories |
Perspiring, night sweats |
Phobias (hydrophobia, agoraphobia, monophobia, |
Pins and needles |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, |
Premature menopause, |
Premature wrinkling around the eyes and face, |
Problems of decaying teeth |
Psychotic symptoms - usually transient and confined to rapid withdrawal, |
Pupils of eyes become minute |
Pushing away friends, |
Racing thoughts, |
Rage, |
Rapid blinking of the eyes |
Rapid changes in body temperature |
Rapid mood changes |
Rapid weight loss |
Rashes and blotches on skin, |
Recurring mild sore throat, |
Repetitive thoughts |
Restless legs in bed at night |
Restlessness |
Saliva running from the mouth at night |
Scalp pain and burning, |
Screwing up of the eyes |
Seeing spots before the eyes |
Seizures (fits) |
sensation of brain moving within the skull, |
Sensitive or painful teeth |
Severe cramping in the stomach |
Severe headaches |
Severe muscle rigidity |
Sexual problems - no sex drive or ultra high sex drive, |
Shaking - inside or out or both, |
Sharp throbbing pain in the wrists |
Shivering - feelings of extreme cold or hot, |
Short-term memory impairment |
Sinus pain |
Skin problems - dry, itchy, rashes, slow healing, tickling, burning, |
Sleepwalking, |
Smell problems - everything smells bad, |
Smelling bad, but only to you, |
Sore and tired eyes |
Sore mouth and tongue |
Speech difficulties |
Stomach cramps |
Stuttering, |
Suicidal feelings |
Swallowing difficulties |
Sweating |
Swollen breasts |
Teeth - pain, throbbing, sensitivity, feel like they are falling out,
grinding, |
Tension between eyes, |
Thinking you are dying, |
Thinking you have some awful disease other than benzo withdrawal, |
Thirst |
Thrush-like symptoms, |
Thyroid disturbances, |
tickling and itching |
Tight band around the head |
Tight band around the legs and ankles, |
Tightness in the chest |
Tightness in the head |
Tinnitus (buzzing or ringing in the ears) |
Tiny pupils |
Tiredness |
Toe and finger nails change colour |
Tongue - sore, burning, |
Total loss of confidence |
Toxic naps - feeling worse upon wakening, |
Tremor or feeling of inner vibration |
Twitching of the head |
Unable to walk |
Under-eye puffiness, |
Unusually sensitive (unable to watch the news on television or read the
newspaper) |
urinary problems (continence or incontinence) |
Vaginal discharge, or extremely dry or wet vagina, |
Vertigo |
Visual disturbances - waves, sparks, flashes of light, seeing spots,
floaters, blurry |
Voice quality changes, |
Vomiting |
vulnerability, |
Walking side to side, like a drunken sailor, |
Weakness - "jelly legs", |
Weight loss or gain (can be rapid), |
Yellow coating on the tongue (which can yellow the teeth) |